
Este blog toma el nombre de la bebida más tradicional de Corea. En Ok!!Soju!! trataré de postear las cosas más destacadas del día a dia durante mi viaje y espero que al final sea como una epecie de diario, iré mejorándolo poco a poco. Sin embargo, trataré de no le pedirle deseos y de no hablarle como si fuera un ser superior. Me gustaría postear todas las semanas pero ya veremos como se nos da. Un abrazo desde Seúl.

miércoles, 9 de febrero de 2011

Camboya (OVS)

AVISO: este post está lleno de inconsistencias, paridas y errores de traducción. Este post una excusa para subir un video. Si no estás interesado en leer gilipolleces te recomendo que vayas al final de la página.

WARNING: this post is full of inconsistencies, nonesenses and translation mistakes. This post is an excuse to upload a video so if you are not interested in reading silly stuff I recommend you to go to the end of the page.

Templo de Preah Ko

A finales de Enero me salió una oferta que no pude rechazar, ir a Camboya durante 5 días con Marta, Cony y Sechol por 300€ "todo incluído" vuelo de ida/vuelta y hotel de 4 estrellas. El plan inicial era ir con uno de estos paquetes turísticos en los que viajas como una oveja pero parecía un precio a pagar razonable dado lo barato del viaje. Pronto nos dimos cuenta de que el truco de la promoción consistía basicamente en sacarle toda la pasta al turista una vez allí.

By the end of January I had an offer that I could not reject. The plan was going to Cambodia with Marta, Cony and Sechol for 300€ "all included trip" round flight and 4 stars hotel during 4 days. The initial plan was to take one of this group trips in which you travel like a sheep during some days but it seemed ok due to the price. Soon we realised that the trick of the promotion was to get the tourist's money once they are in Cambodia and they -of course- cannot escape.

Por ejemplo, había que pagar una propina de 50$ recomendada -que para uno coreano es decir obligatoria- al guía de la agencia de viajes y también había que unirse obligatoriamente a alguno de los paquetes "opcionales" que te presentaba la agencia de viajes. Los precios que ofrecían eran como 4 veces los precios que pagan los turistas normales y no se cuantas veces los precios camboyanos pero me atrevería a decir que unas 8.

For instance, we were supposed to pay a recommended 50$ tip -almost mandatory for coreans- to the agency guide. We were also supposed to join to some of the other "optional" packages that the travel agency had arranged for us. Their prices were like 4 times higher than for a normal tourist and probably 8 times higher than real cambodian prices.

Ante este panorama y después de un primer día de paquete turístico con explicaciones integrales en coreano, visita a un restaurante Coreano en Camboya, y otras muchas bizarradas decidimos salirnos del grupo..... y la que se armó. El guía estaba fuera de quicio, veía que se le escapaba la propina y posiblemente todo el dinero que iba a ir a sus mafias de garitos concertados para turistas confundidos. Y así fue, tras algún que otro litigio y firmar un contrato donde liberabamos a la compañía de viaje de cualquier responsabilidad sobre nosotros fuimos al fin libres.

After the whole day with all the explanations in Korean -the guide would never let us sleep in the bus-, we visited two Korean restaurants and went to a Korean market....in Cambodia. After this moment we decided to get out of the group...and the real story began. The guide was out of his mind, he saw how he was going to loose his tip and possibly all the money that was meant to go to their mafia of pre-arranged activities for confused tourists.
That was exactly what happenned and after some legal fighting we signed a contract in which we denied any benifit from the travel agency and in which we freed the travel agency from any responsability about us.
So finally we were FREE!

Team Photo in front of Angkor Wat

El viaje fue casi perfecto, 4 días fueron suficiente para hacernos una idea de Siem Reap y a parte de visitar la mayoría de los templos también hicimos otras cosas que se supone que hay que hacer cuando vas a Camboya. Montamos en elefante hasta lo alto de un templo, fuimos a darnos un masaje integral, hicimos una excursión a traves del rio Mekong en la que visitamos un pueblo flotante y un bosque inundado. Además, metimos los pies en un tanque de "pirañas" hambrientas, salimos de fiesta y recibimos una clase de cocina camboyana.

The trip was almost perfect, 4 days was enough to have a grip on Siem Reap and apart from visiting most of the temples we did some other stuff that you are suppossed to do if you go to Cambodia. We rode an elephant to the top of a temple, we had a full body massage, we did a trip through the Mekong River in which we visited a floating village and a flooding forest. Besides we had our feet eaten by some hungry "piranhas", went out partying at night and had a Cambodian cooking class.

Some Pictures:


Floating Village of Chong Kneas

Flooding Village of Phuluk Khulum

Ta Prohm temple

A Quick Guide to understand the video:

Me voy a centrar en la intrahistoria, es decir en la chorradas del viaje y en sus personajes, podréis ver algunos de ellos en el vídeo.
For this post I want to focus in the inner-history of the trip, that is all the silly stuff that we did and the characters that we met in Cambodia.

The Characters

Arin alias Van Buren, nuestro nuevo conductor de "tuk tuk" o carricoche tirado por una 125cc. Van Buren es un tio tímido y agradable de 28 años que se mantuvo a nuestro lado durante todo el viaje. Durante sus servicios, que básicamente se limitaban a llevarnos de templo en templo y esperar a que terminaramos le invitamos a comer, le dimos alguna que otra propina e incluso le invitamos a cervezas. Eso si, a la hora de negociar el muy cabron tiraba de mili con los turistas e intentaba sacar lo máximo posible "Businness is Bussiness".

Arin, alias Van Buren, was our new "tuk tuk" driver. A tuk tuk is a small car pulled by a 125cc motorcycle. Van Buren is a shy 28 year old guy who stayed on our side for the whole trip. During his tasks, which were basically taking us from here to there and waiting for us we invited him for lunch, gave him some tips and even some beer -which was kind of scary if you think he was our driver-. However, when the time for negotiation began his face turned serious and as everybody else he tried to rip us off. "Businness is Bussiness"

Hansim Gaidu alias Handsome Guide o Mr.P: Implacable en su empeño por conseguir nuestros 50$ es un guía turístico coreano bastante bronceado que vive en Camboya. Incómodo a más no poder e inoportuno como nadie, sabe dar con los momentos menos apropiados para reclamar su inmerecida propina.

Hansim Gaidu alias Handsome Guide o Mr.P: he is unstoppable in his will to get our 50$ tip. He is a pretty well tanned Korean guide who lives in Cambodia. Ackward at everytime and with no sense of opportunity, he knows as nobody when to choose the most innappropiate moments to ask for his undeserved tip.

Mr. T: es un turista airado dentro del grupo, Mr.T está alerta de todo y echa oreja a todas las conversaciones para comprobar que todo va según lo previsto. Mr. T está jodido porque compró tabaco en el duty free del aeropuerto y sabe que en Camboya es 8 veces más barato.

Mr. T: is an angry tourist in the group. Mr.T is always alert and he is always listening to every conversation to check everything is going as planned. Mr.T is freaked out because he bought tobaco in the duty free at the airport and just realised in Cambodia is 8 times cheaper.

The Math teacher: la profesora de matemáticas es una turista corena del grupo, entiende nuestras quejas y empatiza con nuestra causa.

The Math teacher: is a tourist inside the group, she understands our complains and feels sympathetic to us.

Sambo: edad desconocida, Sexo: masculino, especie: paquidermo. Durante años ha subido turistas a lo alto del templo de Phenom Bakong.

Sambo: unknown age, Sex: Male Specie:pachyderm. For years he has been taking tourist to the top of Phenom Bakong temple.

Dipla: edad: 38 años, Sexo: femenino, especie: paquidermo. Compañera inseparable de Sambo y de caracter tranquilo ha remolcado miles de turistas hasta lo alto de Phenom Bakong.

Dipla: age: 38, Sex: female, specie: pachyderm. Inseparable companion of Sambo and with a calm character Dipla has taken thousands of tourist to the top of Phenom Bakong.

Pron: conductor de barca en el rio Mekong y estudiante de inglés de procedencia desconocida. De caracter triste y lacónico dirige a los turistas hasta la aldea de Kuthlun Phuluk. Se desconoce que es lo que entiende por "I am from" y llegó a utilizar esta expresión más de 15 veces refiriendose a lugares diferentes, I am from river, I am from temple, I am from Siem Reap, I am from floating village. Tras darle muchas vueltas seguimos sin saber de donde viene.

is a boat driver in the Mekong river and an english student. Unknown origin.
With a sad and laconic personality he drives the tourists to the Kuthlum Phuluk village. It is still unknown what he means when he says "I am from", he used this expresion more than 15 times refering to different places, I am from the river, I am from temple, I am from Siem Reap, I am from floating village. After thinking for a long time about it, we still don't know where he comes from.

The owner: el dueño del centro de masajes, un hombre agradable y moreno con un gran bigote que nos causó gran conmoción porque pensabamos que nos iba a dar el masaje.

The owner:
is the owner of the massage center, he is well tanned kind man with an enviable moustache. We were a bit scared at the begining because we thought he was going to give us the massage.

Mini-moonyoung: vendedora molona y asertiva del mercado nocturno de Siem Reap. Como sacada del mercado de fuencarral, mini-moonyoung, así llamada por su asombroso parecido en miniatura con nuestra amiga moonyoung, se mantenía tranquila y firme en el regateo que suavizaba con una bonita sonrisa.

Mini-moonyoung: cool and assertive seller in Siem Reap's night market. She had like a Hongdae's fashion style. Called mini-moonyoung because of her amazing miniaturized resemblance to our friend moonyoung she stayed cool and firm when barganaing softening the negotiation with a nice smile.

The cook: de minnesota, barman, cocinero y hombre de negocios nocturnos es capaz de trocear hasta niveles subatómicos cualquier alimento. Coincidimos con el en la clase de cocina camboyana.

The cook: from minnesota, barman, cook and cross eyed business man. He is capable of chopping any food until subatomic levels. We met in the cambodian cooking class.

Index of Silly Stuff:

나이스! (Naisu!!) Nice!!:
koreaniced english, used with special enthusiasm during soccer and baseball matches or broadcasted Starcraft games.

Pondu: konglish Pond, estanque.

Atmospheric: used to describe any kind of space or place, from a bar to a temple lost in the middle of the jungle.

Solid: cool

I'm from boston: it's funny when you ask americans where they are from they tell you ther hometown. Think about it How about a Corean going to amercia and saying..... Oh yess.. I'm from Inchon?

I'm from (random word): Pron's favourite grammatical structure

Penis shaped Slingshot: the best souvenir ever, is capable of throwing stones at high speeds into long distances and it is also useful to make cheap jokes at anytime. 100% reliability.

Ripping off Experience: everytime you bargain you are living what we called "The ripping Off Experience" or the spirit of "Siem Ripp Off". As my father said once...It doesn´t matter who they are, they only want your money.

Coke time: there is always a moment to spare, this was coke time.

Piranha: dead skin hungry fish that will leave your feet and ankles like a baby's ass. Well, they're actually not piranha but we liked to think so. The big ones were slow and powerful while the small ones were quick but weak. It was a very strange feeling but after a while you end up loving it.

Alcohol Wat: this term embodies our pretensions to make a small model of Angkor Wat based on empty beer cans

Too far: favorite Van Buren's sentence.

Wi-Pi: Corean Wi-Fi

The sexy massage: Sechol and I made a mistake when taking the massage. We were supposed to keep our underwear on but we didn't know so we did it fully naked. The masseuses were giggling all the time, Sechol was trying to remember his national anthem and I was thinking about my old and ugly highschool teacher.

Eaten by the Jungle: guns and roses like scream when in Ta Prohm temple, the best one for me.

And now, after ALL this bullshit you will be able to understand what Cambodia was about for me...

This time I used a real camera and it is worth to see in HD. I hope you like it!

2 comentarios:

  1. como te lo estás pasando macho, pura envidia, una mezcla entre national geografic y de la cuadra salcedo, nada lo dicho que disfrutes del momento, un saludo desde zaragoza.
    Bueno de piranha nada, mas bien comedorcillos camboyanos de pellejos, si hubieran sido piranhas......ñam,ñam,ñam.

  2. jajajaj, me encantan tus descripciones!!! Bueno tus definiciones/descripciones del mundo, pero eso ya lo sabes.
    Y el vídeo... que te voy a decir! Me encanta y claramente hace la competencia a tus amigos canadienses, ;) patapum pissss jejeje
    Y comedorcillos camboyanos de pellejos! jajaja muy bueno también. Me gustaría verlos después en una tapilla de pescaditos fritos! agggg


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